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Global Getting around Taiwan
Taiwan has the well-developed, reliable and safe transportation network, making it easy to get around the island. Among cities There are 4 main means of transportation for students to use when they travel among cities, namely intercity buses, Taiwan Railway, Taiwan High Speed Rail and domestic flights. Intercity Buses Also known as long-distance highway buses, which are mostly run by private companies. They carry passengers to different counties and cities through provincial and national highways. Intercity buses shuttle through major cities every day. Some even provide 24-hour service, so it’s convenient to take. Tickets can be purchased online or directly at the bus stations. ★ Kuo-Kuang Motor Transport ★ Ubus ★ Ho-Hsin Bus Taiwan Railway Taiwan Railway has been providing conventional transportation service to people in Taiwan for over 135 years. The 3 main lines form a loop around the island connecting most of the major cities, with 10 small branch lines providing commuter services into the cities. There are several 7 types of passenger trains, in which Taroko and Puyuma Express offer the highest speed of 130 km/h, taking about 3 hours and 41 minutes from Taipei City to Kaohsiung. The fares are highly regulated and strictly distance and train-class based. ★ Taiwan Railway Taiwan High Speed Rail Taiwan High Speed Rail has been providing safe and fast transportation services for Taiwan’s commuters for more than 14 years. It goes along the west coast of Taiwan, from Nangang to Taipei, Banqiao, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, and Zuoying. Its speed can reach up to 300 km/h, taking as little as 1 hour and 45 minutes from Taipei City to Kaohsiung, providing an efficient and express transportation service to many people traveling from northern to southern part of Taiwan within 1 day. It offers up to 50% discount on standard class reserved seats to domestic college students, who should present a valid student ID card when boarding. ★ Taiwan High Speed Rail Domestic flights Domestic air routes in Taiwan are quite developed, with a total of 16 domestic airports all over Taiwan. Taking a flight is almost as usual as taking an intercity bus, especially during holidays, flights are always fully booked. Students are advised to reserve an air-ticket in advance to secure a seat. Fares vary by distance and airlines. ★ China Airlines ★ Daily Air ★ EVA Air ★ Mandarin Airlines ★ Tigerair Taiwan ★ Uni Air ★ Starlux Airlines Within cities As to traveling within cities, students can use city buses, Mass Rapid Transit, public bicycle, and taxi. City buses City buses are the most common yet indispensable modes of public transportation in all counties and cities in Taiwan. Every city has its own bus network, with numerous routes covering every district, forming an extensive network of bus service in downtown and remote areas. They are very frequent and convenient to take. The fares of some city buses are collected based on fare zones, while some are calculated based on mileage of travel. All fares can be paid with EasyCard or Cash, yet no change is provided. EasyCard users are entitled to special discounts when transferring between Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) and buses. ★ Taipei City Bus Info ★ Taichung City Bus Info ★ Tainan City Bus Info ★ Kaohsiung City Bus Info Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) There are five MRT systems in Taiwan, namely Taipei Metro, New Taipei Metro, Taichung Metro, Taoyuan Airport Metro, and Kaohsiung Metro, which are the most efficient mode of transportation in the cities. Their punctuality, comfortability and well-connected network are welcomed by many people in Taiwan. All fares are distance-based. ★ Taipei Metro ★ Taichung Metro ★ Kaohsiung Metro ★ New Taipei City Metro ★ Taoyuan Airport Metro Public Bicycle There are public bicycle rental services offered throughout Taiwan to encourage a healthy lifestyle with exercise. YouBike is one of them. Yellow YouBikes can be easily found in the streets and alleys. Students can rent it in one place and return it in another. It is suitable for short-distance use, and the rental is bearable. ★ YouBike Taxi Taxis in Taiwan are mostly yellow in color and can be found in most of Taiwan's cities. They provide comfortable, convenient, yet more expensive service than other transportation means. Fare is distance-based and charged slightly different in each city. There may be other fees like waiting fee, night allowance, trunk usage fee or other surcharge incurred. ★ Taiwan Taxi ★ M-Taxi ★ Yoxi Taxi
Global Accommodation for Foreign Students to Study in Taiwan
Most of the universities in Taiwan will secure a place for overseas students to stay in the well-equipped and affordable on-campus dormitories during their first year of study. On-campus university dormitory On-campus dormitory is often cheaper and safer for foreign students to stay than off-campus private housing, yet students may need to share room with 2 – 8 roommates. Usually male and female students are accommodated in separate dormitories or separate floor in the same dormitory. There are suite-style or public bathroom facilities, depending on the facilities of each university. Basically, each room is equipped with simple furniture like bed frames, wardrobes, desks, chairs, bookshelves and air-conditioners. There are study lounges, reading rooms, automatic washers and dryers, refrigerators, kitchen facilities…etc. in common area as well. Accommodation fees vary from universities, and mostly include water, internet and electricity fees. Some may not include the cost of staying during winter and summer breaks. University dormitory usually have their own rules and regulations for students to follow. Below are the rental charges of some university dormitory for your reference: Off-campus private housing If you want to have some privacy, you may choose to rent out of school according to your needs, yet the rental charges may be more expensive. There are various types of rooms for you to rent, for example, single rooms with shared bathrooms, en-suite rooms or a whole apartment to share with others. The table below shows the average rental charges in Taipei City. Rental charge is greatly affected by convenience, apartment ages, room sizes, availability of furniture, etc. and the payment can be on monthly, half-yearly or annual basis. Some rental charges may include water, electricity, gas, and network fees as well. Where to find rental houses? You may find your preferred housing in the following websites in English: Myroomabroad, Rooms.Taipei, Zuker, Tealit.com, Airbnb, Istaytion Service Apartment, Rental Apartments In Taiwan. Reminders for signing a tenancy agreement When signing a tenancy agreement, you are strongly advised to read the terms and conditions in the agreement carefully before signing it. The landlord will generally ask for two months' rent as a security deposit, which will be returned in full or deducted based on the condition of the housing at the end of the contract.
Global Academic Disciplines of Higher Education in Taiwan
To read more: Overseas Chinese Students to Study in Taiwan There are currently 159 universities, collages and junior colleges in Taiwan, offering more than 3,000 departments or programs for students to choose. Which subject are you interested in? Or which category group does it belong to? Before you apply for universities in Taiwan, you may wish to know about the 18 academic disciplines in Taiwan and their corresponding category groups. Classification of university departments In Taiwan, according to the professionalism and future development of different university departments, the Ministry of Education has put similar departments into one academic discipline (Table 2), and similar academic disciplines into a category (Table 1), forming 3 main categories and 18 academic disciplines, though some departments are cross-disciplinary. Table 1: Three main categories and their corresponding academic disciplines: Table 2: 18 Academic disciplines and their corresponding departments: Priority list When you join the university recruitment exercises organized by University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students, you will be required to fill in a priority list of your own choices in the application. If you are applying through "Individual Application", you can choose 4 departments or programs from any categories, whereas if you are applying through “United Distribution”, you can have at most 70 choices of departments in Group 1, or in Groups 2 and 3, that is, the departments in Groups 2 and 3 can be put in your priority list together, whereas those in Group 1 cannot be matched with Groups 2 and 3. ★ For details, please visit University Entrance Committee For Overseas Chinese Students.
Global Cost of Living for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan
Taiwan is surely a great place to live, for its high standard of living, friendly environment, nice people, great food and amazing attractions. Foreign students should find it fantastic studying in Taiwan. Estimated Cost of Living In Taiwan, the average monthly living expenses is about USD141 to USD283, and the accommodation and living expenses will vary depending on the regions and individual habits. Therefore, the estimated cost of living for overseas undergraduate students is around USD2,767 to USD6,845 per year. Daily Life in Taiwan Food Food in Taiwan is easily accessible and diversified. Apart from authentic Chinese food like ginger duck soup, mutton hot pot, sesame oil chicken soup or plain porridge with side dishes, there are also western or Asian cuisines available throughout the country. Business districts, which are the centers for local foods and the origins of special delicacies, are often found near most of university campuses. Students can also enjoy street food in Taiwan’s famed night markets, e.g. Ningxia, Fengjia, Shilin…etc., or buy food in convenience stores when they are hungry at midnight. Of course, students can also buy fresh ingredients at local markets and cook for themselves. Below is the chart showing the costs of food that students mostly consume: Clothing Taiwan has a subtropical climate. It is hot in summer and the temperature often reaches 27 to 35 degrees Celsius. In winter, it often rains in the northern area and the average temperature is below 18 degrees. Sometimes it is chilling, and snowing may occur in high mountains, yet most of the local houses are without indoor heating. Foreign students are advised to prepare warm clothing, which are easily available in Taiwan. There are Korean, Japanese, European, American or local Taiwanese brands to choose from and prices vary by brands. In general, the prices of clothing are as follows: In terms of laundry, on-campus dormitories are mostly equipped with self-service washing machines, clothes dryers and dehydrators for students to use. Laundromats are usually available in nearby commercial districts as well. Accommodation Most of the universities in Taiwan offer on-campus dormitory to their students. It is usually the most convenient option for overseas students as it is located in school campus, and is usually cheaper and safer than private housing. Yet, the dormitory space may be limited and students may need to share room with other roommates. Students also need to follow the accommodation rules and regulations as set out by the dormitory. ★ For more information, please visit Accommodation for Foreign Students to Study in Taiwan. Transportation Public transportation in Taiwan is highly-praised internationally, as it is reliable, affordable and easily accessible. Foreign students will never encounter problems in getting around. There are frequent city buses, Mass Rapid Transit or public bicycles for students to travel within major cities. Trains are also available for students to take across cities. Travel from Taipei to Kaohsiung can be as fast as 90 minutes. There are also intercity buses which offer 24-hour service as well. ★ For more information, please visit Getting Around Taiwan.
馬來西亞 【學士班】填寫「聯合分發」志願3大要訣
透過海聯會「聯合分發」管道申請臺灣各大學的考生,要在3千多個科系裡選填70個志願,究竟有什麼關鍵?怎樣才能入讀理想的科系? 關鍵1:依自己的興趣排序 選填志願時,首先根據自己的興趣或心儀的科系,依喜歡程度來排序,這樣便能有機會如願分發到理想科系。以「聯合分發」為例,海聯會的分法程序是這樣的: 1. 根據同學的測驗成績或採計科目成績來計算分發總分。 2. 依分發總分來決定分發次序,即分發總分較高的會被優先讀取志願。 3. 再按照分發的順位、志願填寫的順序、以及科系名額來進行分發。 如下圖的例子,若每個科系只有一個名額,會先按分發總分最好的同學甲的第一志願進行分發,之後再看次成績好的同學乙,由於科系A已經沒有餘額,故同學乙會被分發到第二志願科系B,如此類推。 請同學注意,海聯會只有訂聯合分發梯次類組的最低取錄分數,並沒有針對每一個科系訂最低取錄標準。因此,凡達到海聯會所訂分發大學最低取錄標準的同學,就有資格按照他所填的校系志願來分發進入大學。 關鍵2:善用「系所名額查詢系統」 同學可以善用海聯會的「系所名額查詢系統」來查詢科系名額,也可透過查詢結果連結到每間大學或每個科系的網站,了解該課程、師資、學分要求和畢業出路等相關資訊,幫助同學排序出最合適的校系志願。 關鍵3:填滿70個志願 70個志願就表示有70個選擇的機會!萬一所填的70個志願已經沒有可分發的名額,就會進行第二次分發。海聯會會提供尚有名額的校系名單,讓同學可以再填一次志願,辦理二次分發。可是,若一開始沒有把70個志願填滿,就沒有第二次分發的機會了。根據海聯會的統計資料顯示,有99.8﹪的同學都可以順利分發到所填志願校系。所以,請同學把70個志願都填滿,來增加錄取機會。 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
馬來西亞 【學士班】臺灣大學科系學群知多少?
臺灣的大學學系眾多,五花八門,目前約有3千多個科系,究竟哪一個科系適合自己?或自己有興趣的科系屬於哪一個類組?有意申請到臺灣升讀大學的同學,不妨先了解一下不同類組和不同學群所包含的科系,為未來的人生做好規劃。 臺灣各大學的科系大致可分為三大類組,並依學系的專業內容和未來發展歸納為18個學群。由於許多學系的專業多為跨領域學習,因此也會有跨學群、跨類組的情況出現。 三大類組 18學群 要注意,申請海聯會「個人申請」的同學,可跨類組選填4個志願校系;而申請「聯合分發」的同學,則可選填最多70個志願,第一類組不可跨選第二、三類組的志願,第二、三類組則可以互跨類組填志願。 ★ 資料來源:海外聯合招生委員會 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
Global 2022 Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES)
If you wish to study Mandarin in Taiwan, you can apply for the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) provided by the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MoE). The scholarship is established to support international students pursuing Mandarin Chinese courses in Taiwan, enhancing their Mandarin proficiency while fostering their understanding of Taiwan's cultural and social developments, and to promote exchanges between Taiwan and the international community. Amount of scholarship NT$25,000 (about USD893) per month. Duration 2 months (for summer courses), 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or 1 year, depending on applicants’ planned duration of study in Taiwan. Eligibility Applicants must be: at least 18 years old; possess a high school graduation diploma or above; have an excellent academic record; have a good moral character;from one of the eligible countries as designated by the MoE. However, you are ineligible for such scholarship if you are: a mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macao SAR student; a Taiwanese national or an overseas Chinese student; currently receiving any scholarship or subsidy from any Taiwan Government agency or any educational institution in Taiwan; an exchange student in Taiwan during the scholarship period; a former HES or Taiwan Scholarship recipient; currently enrolled in a Chinese Language Center in Taiwan or a full-time degree program at any university or college in Taiwan. Application period February 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022. Required documents Applicants need to submit the following documents to local embassies or missions before March 31, 2022: a. a completed application form (provided by local embassies or missions); b. a photocopy of the applicants’ passport or any other documents that can verify his/her nationality; c. a photocopy of the applicants’ highest academic credential and official transcript; d. a photocopy of the application to a Mandarin Language Center in Taiwan; e. Applicants who apply for more than 6 months scholarship should submit a copy of the TOCFL test result or a certificate at Level 3 within 2 years; f. other documents as required by local embassies or missions. Release of selection decisions As announced by your local R.O.C overseas mission (List of Embassies and Missions). Overall application procedure For more information about HES application, please refer to Ministry of Education or contact your local ROC overseas mission (List of Embassies and Missions).
馬來西亞 【2022學士班】聯合分發X國民(型)中學3/31前報名
★ 看更多:【學士班】5 分鐘看懂「聯合分發」 從2022年2月20日起,就讀國民中學或國民型中學的馬來西亞華裔學生,並符合海外僑生資格,可以持STPM、A-Level、SPM、Pernyataan(或SAP)或O-level成績,申請海聯會「聯合分發」(學士班)第五梯次的新生入學方案,最快於7月底,便可以知道分發結果。 報名注意事項 想要到臺灣升讀學士班的馬來西亞僑生,要留意是否符合資格,並在期限前完成報名。 【申請資格】 1. 在馬來西亞出生並最近連續居住在馬來西亞6年或以上(申請升讀醫學、牙醫及中醫學系需滿8年),而且每年在臺灣停留不超過120天。 2. 持馬來西亞永久或長期居留證件。 3. 擁有馬來西亞國民中學或國民型中學畢業證書或同等學力(包括應屆畢業生)。 【報名時間】 2022年2月20日至2022年3月31日(臺灣時間)。 【報名方式】 請考生到「海外聯招會網站 - 申請資料填報系統」註冊帳號、填寫個人資料、選擇成績採計方式(STPM、A-Level、SPM、Pernyataan(或SAP)或O-level,任擇其一)、選填志願(最多70個)、按下「確認填報資料」按鈕,並於報名限期內完成紙本繳件。 3/31前完成紙本繳件 完成缐上填報後,須備妥以下文件,並於3月31日前繳交到駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處或僑務委員會指定之保薦單位提出申請。 須繳交的紙本文件: 1. 申請表(一式 3 份,由報名系統產生)並各附貼照片1張。 2. 資料檢核表(由報名系統產生)。 3. 身分證或護照影本。 4. 畢業證書或修業證書影本(應屆畢業生請提供在學證明)。 5. 中學最後三年成績單影本(須註明該校所在地及學制年限;應屆畢業生可免附當學期成績)。 6. 會考文憑影本(含成績單)。 7. 國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獲獎證明影本(無則免附)。 8. 聯合分發志願選填列表(由報名系統產生)。 9. 切結書(如適用)。(由報名系統產生)。 以STPM或 A LEVEL 文憑申請的同學,如持有SPM「中文」成績或「Malaysian University English Test(MUET)」測驗成績單也請提供。 以上第3 至 7項須提供正本核驗;第4 至 7 項學歷證件,若是中、英文以外之語言,須提交中文譯本,並得到駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處或僑務委員會指定之保薦單位核驗。 【登陸會考成績】 如考生因COVID-19疫情導致報名時未能取得文憑成績證書,須於文憑成績公布後5天內,到「海外聯招會網站 - 申請資料填報系統」登陸會考成績,並上傳成績證明文件(例如含有個人基本資料之成績報告或網上成績查詢界面截圖等)。 採計成績五選一 「聯合分發」第五梯次主要根據考生公開試的成績,以及同學的志願,採計五科成績,而中文、英文和數學通常是必採科目,其餘的就視乎同學選哪一類組而選採不同科目。 最多70志願 大學校系分一、二、三類組,除第二、三類組可互跨類組選填志願外,選第一類組不能跨類組選填志願。最多可填70個志願。 【國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎】 若有獲得國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎項,可跨類組選填最多3個志願。申請資料會送志願校系審查,通過後,名額另案核定,並優先錄取。 7月放榜 錄取名單將於7月底公告,考生可到「海外聯合招生委員會-馬來西亞專區」或僑務委員會查詢。 ★ 資料來源:海外聯合招生委員會 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
馬來西亞 【2022學士班】聯合分發X國際學校2/28前報名
★ 看更多:【學士班】5 分鐘看懂「聯合分發」 從2022年2月1日起,就讀國際學校,即外文中學的馬來西亞華裔學生,並符合海外僑生資格,可以免另外考試,並持中學最後三年成績、SAT Subject Test測驗成績、A-Level文憑成績或IBDP國際文憑預科成績,申請海聯會「聯合分發」(學士班)第二梯次的新生入學方案,最快於5月中下旬,便可以知道分發結果。 報名注意事項 想要到臺灣升讀學士班的馬來西亞僑生,要留意是否符合資格,並在期限前完成報名。 【申請資格】 1. 在馬來西亞出生並最近連續居住在馬來西亞6年或以上(申請升讀醫學、牙醫及中醫學系需滿8年),而且每年在臺灣停留不超過120天。 2. 持馬來西亞永久或長期居留證件。 3. 擁有馬來西亞國際學校畢業證書或同等學力(包括應屆畢業生)。 【報名時間】 2022年2月1日至2022年2月28日(臺灣時間)。 【報名方式】 請考生到「海外聯招會網站 - 申請資料填報系統 」註冊帳號、填寫個人資料、選擇成績採計方式(SAT Subject Test、A-Level、IBDP、中學最後三年成績,任擇其一)、選填志願(最多70個)、按下「確認填報資料」按鈕,並於報名限期內完成紙本繳件。 2/28前完成紙本繳件 完成缐上填報後,須備妥以下文件,並於2月28日前繳交到駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處、僑務委員會海外華僑文教服務中心或僑務委員會指定之保薦單位提出申請。 須繳交的紙本文件: 1. 申請表(一式 3 份,由報名系統產生)並各附貼照片1張。 2. 資料檢核表(由報名系統產生)。 3. 身分證或護照影本。 4. 畢業證書或修業證書影本(應屆畢業生請提供在學證明)。 5. 中學最後三年成績單影本(須註明該校所在地及學制年限;應屆畢業生可免附當學期成績)。 6. 會考文憑影本(含成績單)。 7. 國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獲獎證明影本(無則免附)。 8. 聯合分發志願選填列表(由報名系統產生)。 9. 成績採計資料參考表(由報名系統產生)。 10. 切結書(如適用)(由報名系統產生)。 以上第3至7項須提供正本核驗;第4至7項學歷證件,若是中、英文以外之語言,須提交中文譯本,並得到駐馬來西亞臺北經濟文化辦事處、僑務委員會海外華僑文教服務中心或僑務委員會指定之保薦單位核驗。 採計成績四選一 「聯合分發」第二梯次主要根據考生中學最後三年或公開試的成績,以及同學的志願,採計其中四或五科成績,而中文、英文和數學通常是必採科目,其餘的就視乎同學選哪一類組而選採不同科目。 最多70志願 大學校系分一、二、三類組,除第二、三類組可互跨類組選填志願外,選第一類組不能跨類組選填志願。最多可填70個志願。 【國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎】 若有獲得國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎項,可跨類組選填最多3個志願。申請資料會送志願校系審查,通過後,名額另案核定,並優先錄取。 5月放榜 錄取名單將於5月中下旬公告,考生可到「海外聯合招生委員會-馬來西亞專區」或僑務委員會查詢。 ★ 資料來源:海外聯合招生委員會 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
馬來西亞 【2022學士班】聯合分發X臺灣學校2/28前報名
★ 看更多:【學士班】5 分鐘看懂「聯合分發」 從2022年2月1日起,就讀馬來西亞臺灣學校的華裔學生,並符合海外僑生資格,可以參加學科測驗,以測驗成績申請海聯會「聯合分發」(學士班)第三梯次的新生入學方案,最快於6月初,便可以知道分發結果。 報名注意事項 想要到臺灣升讀學士班的馬來西亞僑生,要留意是否符合資格,並在期限前完成報名。 【申請資格】 1. 在馬來西亞出生並最近連續居住在馬來西亞6年或以上(申請升讀醫學、牙醫及中醫學系需滿8年),而且每年在臺灣停留不超過120天。 2. 持馬來西亞永久或長期居留證件。 3. 擁有馬來西亞臺灣學校高中畢業證書或同等學力(包括應屆畢業生)。 【報名時間】 2022年2月1日至2022年2月28日(臺灣時間)。 【報名方式】 請考生到「海外聯招會網站 - 申請資料填報系統 」註冊帳號、填寫個人資料、選填志願(最多70個)、按下「確認填報資料」按鈕,並於報名限期內完成紙本繳件。 2/28前完成紙本繳件 完成缐上填報後,須備妥以下文件,並於2月28日前繳交到吉隆坡臺灣學校提出申請。 須繳交的紙本文件: 1. 申請表(一式 3 份,由報名系統產生)並各附貼照片1張。 2. 資料檢核表(由報名系統產生)。 3. 身分證或護照影本。 4. 畢業證書或修業證書影本(應屆畢業生請提供在學證明)。 5. 中學最後三年成績單影本(須註明該校所在地及學制年限;應屆畢業生可免附當學期成績)。 6. 國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獲獎證明影本(無則免附)。 7. 聯合分發志願選填列表(由報名系統產生)。 8. 切結書(如適用)(由報名系統產生)。 以上第3至6項須提供正本核驗;第4至6項學歷證件,若是中、英文以外之語言,須提交中文譯本,並得到受理申請單位吉隆坡臺灣學校核驗。 採計成績 「聯合分發」第三梯次主要根據考生學科測驗的成績,以及其志願類組而選採不同科目。 最多70志願 大學校系分一、二、三類組,除第二、三類組可互跨類組選填志願外,選第一類組不能跨類組選填志願。最多可填70個志願。 【國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎】 若有獲得國際奧林匹亞或美國國際科技展獎項,可跨類組選填最多3個志願。申請資料會送志願校系審查,通過後,名額另案核定,並優先錄取。 6月放榜 錄取名單將於6月初公告,考生可到「海外聯合招生委員會-馬來西亞專區」或僑務委員會查詢。 ★ 資料來源:海外聯合招生委員會 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
馬來西亞 【學士班】5 分鐘看懂「聯合分發」
★ 看更多:【留學臺灣】馬來西亞學生赴臺升學5大途徑 符合海外僑生資格的馬來西亞華裔學生,若想要到臺灣升讀學士班,除了參加海聯會的「個人申請」外,也可以參加「聯合分發」新生入學方案。獲取錄後,便可以在新的學年,成為臺灣大學生。 申請資格 「聯合分發」是海聯會就學士班而設的聯合招生計劃「個人申請」以外的另一個升學管道,依學生的公開試成績、各校系的招生名額以及學生所填寫的校系志願,進行統一分發。如未達大學最低取錄標準或所填志願名額已滿,一律分發到國立臺灣師範大學僑生先修部(簡稱「僑先部」)。 只要在馬來西亞出生,並最近連續居留海外(指臺灣、港澳及中國以外之國家或地區)6 年以上之華裔學生(申請報讀醫學、牙醫及中醫學系需8年以上),而且擁有馬來西亞永久居民或長期居留證件,和取得馬來西亞六年制之華文獨立中學、國民中學、國民型中學或外文中學畢業證書或同等學力,都可以申請。 想要到臺灣升讀大學的馬來西亞僑生,要把握每年的機會,於限期內提出申請。 ★ 想了解更多報名資料及所需文件,請參考: 【2022學士班】聯合分發X國民(型)中學3/31前報名 【2022學士班】聯合分發X國際學校2/28前報名 【2022學士班】聯合分發X臺灣學校2/28前報名 ★ 小編提醒: 1. 已報名海聯會的「個人申請」,但未獲錄取者,將依意願轉入「聯合分發」,無須重複報名。 2. 有意申請「聯合分發」的同學,只能選擇其中一梯次報名。否則將被取消該次申請資格。 3. 持馬來西亞華文獨立中學統一考試證書申請第五梯次的同學,只能分發到臺師大僑先部。 【編輯快報】 「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」熱烈展開中~ 想知道更多留學台灣的即時訊息,千萬不要錯過「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」。除了有最新的招生情報,以及學費、獎學金等實用資訊外,還有「預約2030未來人才 線上講座」及「2022大馬升學輔導工作坊」,都是今年唯一馬來西亞限定的重量級活動,保證讓大馬高中生掌握留學台灣的第一手情報。 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 預約2030未來人才 線上系列講座 ★立刻報名參加:【2022遇見大馬】留學台灣教育博覽會 大馬升學輔導工作坊 ★大馬僑外生來台升學、招生資訊,盡在「2022 遇見大馬·留學台灣教育博覽會」
Global Learning Mandarin in Taiwan
If you want to pursue higher studies in Taiwan, yet you may not be familiar with Mandarin Chinese, or you may wish to improve your competitiveness for the growing Chinese market, or you may want to know more about traditional Chinese characters…etc., whatever your reason is for learning Mandarin Chinese, Taiwan is definitely an ideal place for you. Why learn Mandarin in Taiwan? 1. Mandarin Learning Centers There are 65 university-affiliated Mandarin learning centers in Taiwan which offer a wide range of Chinese courses year-round. Each Mandarin learning center offers a variety of programs for students at all level of Chinese proficiency. The duration of courses ranges from 3 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. There are even customized courses to suit your needs. You can search the language centers through the Office of Global Mandarin Education. 2. Huayu Enrichment Scholarship In order to encourage foreign students to learn Mandarin in Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of Education offers Huayu Enrichment Scholarship program to foreign students to apply. Each awardee can receive a monthly stipend of NTD25,000 (around USD893). 3. A safe, democratic and friendly environment Taiwan embraces freedom and democracy. It is also safe to live. Outside of class, you’ll have innumerable opportunities to practice reading Chinese characters and speaking Mandarin with friendly people around Taiwan. 4. Comprehensive health care system Taiwan’s health care system is well-known for its high-quality and wide range of medical services. Your health will be well-secured and can receive appropriate medical treatment if necessary. 5. Employment opportunities Foreign students are eligible to apply for a student work permit to undertake part-time jobs during study. You can earn some living expenses while having more chances of practicing Mandarin at work. How to apply for a Mandarin course in Taiwan You may apply for a Mandarin course in Taiwan by following the procedure described as below: For more information, you may visit Study in Taiwan and Taiwan Mandarin Educational Resources Center.